
  • RUPERT Neve Designs Newton Channel
  • RUPERT Neve Designs Newton Channel
  • RUPERT Neve Designs Newton Channel

RUPERT Neve Designs Newton Channel

€ 2 429.00
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Op voorraad bij :
  • Mons
  • Liège
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Referentie : RUPEEW2VQ9
Categorie : Studio


Channel Strip

  • With microphone preamp, EQ and compressor
  • Class-A microphone preamp
  • 72 dB gain including 6 dB fine-tuning
  • 48 V phantom power and phase switch switchable
  • High-pass filter adjustable in 31 steps from 20 to 250 Hz
  • 3-Band EQ with 31-step potentiometers
  • Fast VCA compressor with +20 dB make-up gain and pre-EQ/post-EQ option
  • Variable Silk-Red and Silk-Blue circuits for amplifying 2nd and 3rd order harmonics
  • Silk-Red mode enhances the harmonic content of highs and high mids
  • Silk-Blue mode amplifies the harmonic content of basses and low-mids
  • Specially designed transformer output stage
  • Separate -6 dBu XLR output: Newton Channel can be fully modulated to achieve more harmonics without overdriving the next unit in the chain
  • Main Out and -6 dB Out can be used simultaneously
  • Stereo link via 6.3 mm jack possible
  • Dimensions (W x D x H): 483 x 206 x 45 mm

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