
  • Rohema Guiro

Rohema Guiro

€ 16.90
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Referentie : ROHEEPW7NB
Categorie : Drums & Percussie


The guiro is part of the group of scraping instruments. This type of instruments have their sound produced by scraping on a toothed or intensely corrugated surface. The scraping instruments are always accompanied by a non-sounding stick (mallet), which you stroke over the grooved surface to produce their characteristic sound.

There are two holes in the body of the guiro to help you finding the correct position for your hand and - additionally - make it easier to hold, even for children. The Rohema Guiro is made of beech wood from local forests and coated with a very thin layer of lacquer. It is 310 millimeters long and has a diameter of 54 millimeters.

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