
  • MANSON Custom Hardware Machine Heads Black Alluminium
  • MANSON Custom Hardware Machine Heads Black Alluminium

MANSON Custom Hardware Machine Heads Black Alluminium

€ 132.00
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Referentie : MANSS201BS
Categorie : Gitaar
Merk : MANSON Guitars


Manson Custom Hardware Machine Heads Meta Series

Add an extra element of uniqueness to your guitar with our UK-made solid aluminium machinehead buttons. More than just a striking visual feature, these allow the user to regularly place their instrument in and out of our gig bag or case with a much reduced chance of the machinehead being knocked out of tune. First employed in the early 90s and we've tweaked the design since to provide a secure fixing, easy grip knurled pattern and lightweight design. These items are model specific for an exacting fit and appearance. Our product is UK made from the finest materials on production lines that serve Formula 1 and Aerospace industries. Even the fixing screws are from the best quality Netherlands supplied fastner company. Supplied installed on your guitar when ordered with an instrument or available as self install for exisitng owners.

Suitable for all Meta Series (MBM-1) guitars. 

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