Détails produit

  • VICTORY Amplifiers V212VB Cabinet
  • VICTORY Amplifiers V212VB Cabinet
  • VICTORY Amplifiers V212VB Cabinet
  • VICTORY Amplifiers V212VB Cabinet
  • VICTORY Amplifiers V212VB Cabinet
  • VICTORY Amplifiers V212VB Cabinet

VICTORY Amplifiers V212VB Cabinet

€ 899.00€ 746.17
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Référence : VICTBB89A2
Catégorie : Guitares
Marque : VICTORY

Détails produit

2 x 12 Compact Vertical Extension Speaker Cabinet: Celestion G12M Greenback and Celestion G12H Anniversary speakers, brown vinyl to match VC35 The Copper

IDEAL FOR: A huge sounding, yet still compact rig when paired with VC35 The Copper

SPEAKER CHARACTERISTICS: One Celestion G12M Greenback and one Celestion G12H Anniversary speaker. The G12M is less sensitive/efficient (97dB) than the Anniversary (and also the H-75 Creamback), and uses a medium-magnet (35 ounce). The Greenback's classic 'woody' bark partners well with the more forthright sounding heavy-magnet (50 ounce) Anniversary to offer a combination of sweetness and colour, but not at the expense of depth and clarity. It also gives you opportunity to mic either, or both speakers for a wide range of options. Expect plenty of '3D', room-filling projection from front and back, ensuring great character at any volume.

It works perfectly with the VC35's unique dynamic and feel.

Power handling: 60 watts
Impedance: 16-ohms
Speakers: 1 x Celestion G12M Greenback and 1 x Celestion G12H Anniversary speaker
Size (mm): 485(w) x 700(h) x 295(d)
Weight: 47.4lbs/21.5kg
Colour: Brown with black metal corners and handle, includes slip cover

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