Détails produit

  • CASCHA Soprano Mahogany Ukulele Set with pickup system

CASCHA Soprano Mahogany Ukulele Set with pickup system

€ 89.90
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Référence : CASCF5B497
Catégorie : Guitares
Marque : CASCHA

Détails produit

The CASCHA Premium Soprano Ukulele impresses with its high quality and the excellent sound properties of the used wood types. Thanks to the precise, encapsulated tuning mechanism and the excellent sounding AQUILA nylon strings, it always stays in perfect tune. The PIEZO pickup system with integrated tuner and 3-band equalizer makes the CASCHA ukulele the perfect companion on stage as well. A ukulele strap can be quickly and easily attached to the existing strap pins. The CASCHA Premium Ukulele is suitable for both beginners and advanced players. This set includes a 5 mm padded carrying bag and 3 picks. Specs: Manufacturer: Cascha Premium Soprano Ukulele Starter Pack Body: mahogany PIEZO pickup system with integrated tuner and 3-band equalizer Fingerboard / bridge: rosewood With high quality AQUILA strings With 2 strap pins Precise, encapsulated tuners Incl. padded bag Incl. 3 picks Excellent workmanship and sound Perfect for beginners and advanced players Height: 54 cm / 21 ''

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