Détails produit

  • 29 Pedals TOKI Fuzzy Driver
  • 29 Pedals TOKI Fuzzy Driver
  • 29 Pedals TOKI Fuzzy Driver
  • 29 Pedals TOKI Fuzzy Driver
  • 29 Pedals TOKI Fuzzy Driver

29 Pedals TOKI Fuzzy Driver

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Référence : PEDACJHIBH
Catégorie : Guitares
Marque : 29 Pedals

Détails produit

Description Courtesy of 29 Pedals:

TOKI is a fuzz and fuzzy driver designed to deliver a wide range of textured gain sounds. Use the trim control to create “fuzz as light overdrive” sounds, hit both bright switches for some 70s glam riffs, find somewhere in between where you want to hang out. Discrete front end and IC back end for a versatile hybrid-fuzz experience. TRIM is a passive pad at the beginning of the circuit. CMP is a capacitor load control that can tweak the top-end of the signal. PAD is a passive pad between discrete gain stages. GAIN adjusts the drive of the second discrete gain stage and LEVEL is the final output control. The output driver is after the level fader to ensure that output impedance remains consistent.

TOKI maxes out at about 57 dB input-to-output gain, although internally it’s making more than that. It draws a little less than 100mA.

TOKI can be used after a buffer or input driver (like EUNA), and also can function as an always-on input driver at the beginning of the board if you like warm guitar tones. It stacks great with FLWR, JFET and OAMP. It will drive heavy loads, making it equally happy at the end of your board. The same WHATEVER power input and relay-based switching as our other pedals, and instant-bypass whenever power is removed.

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